7 Hijab Trends of a Muslimah Convert

Hijabi fashionistas are becoming really popular in the world nowadays, with different styles and trends of hijab due to differences in taste, culture, and such. We converts have our own little world of trends, creatively developed to adapt ourselves to the transiting phases of becoming a full time hijabi.
Here's 7 of them. Enjoy!
On a more serious note...
As a result of this trend of hijabi fashionistas, another trend is surfacing. So many of these hijabis are being criticised, by their fellow muslim sisters and brothers, for wearing too 'skin-tight' clothing, not covering their chests or arms or ankles, not deleting their past, unhijab-ed photos and so on. Some pass their judgement through their speech, others through disapproving stares or through their own silent thoughts.
Why are we turning against our own ummah? It is as if we can find nothing but bad things to talk about. Instead of focusing on the good of others, instead we try to nit pick into every single person's perceived flaws and try to force our own views unto them through criticism.
Maybe, just maybe, if we take the time to understand why people are who they are, there might be more empathy and solidarity amongst muslims in this already divided world.
This post is to remind all of us that we all have a story behind who we are. And the best way to guide someone whom you feel could be more appropriately dressed, is to befriend them, guide them to learn more about the deen, and let Allah do the rest.